
I feel like it has been a minute since I last wrote about this project. Well, come February things kind of exploded in a paperwork, red tape kind of way. The 3rd part of the historic tax credit application finally came out for the development department’s part. That part that has allllllllll the minute fiscal details down to the construction schedule, economic impact, return on investment, funding sources, business operations. So naturally I fixated. The first week of February I was fingers to the keyboard and nose to the screen. I turned everything I had into presentable tables and spread sheets. I answered more questions and repeated answers to redundant questions. And THENNNN, the permit part caught up to me. Ok no big deal I assumed I’d have to pull permits on this project, just hadn’t went down that road yet because nothing had started. But as I call the county to start getting all the lined up as some was necessary for the historic application, that opened another rabbit hold. This one I was not expecting. ZONING!!!

Fortunately or unfortunately, however you want to look at it, I have been to zoning council meetings before. But I was always the neighbor of and never the one applying for. So now it’s my turn. Thank goodness I’m not in town and don’t have a ton of neighbors to convince and come to find out I’m the only one currently on the schedule for the next meeting. So fingers crossed its a laid back causal discussion sharing my vision, to hopefully a board of supporters. But back to the blow up. On top of the historic applicant for development I then had to quickly apply for a conditional use rezoning or some semblance of those terms. And get all my documentation and justification ready to present by next months meeting. And while doing so check in with every other future potential department I may have to work with to see if there is anything they may require in the future. So I called inspectors, residational and commercial per the recommendation of the county, the county engineer who then called the Ohio Department of Transportation to see if there would be any driveway issues. I satellite mapped the driveway and calculated parking and traffic flow, screening and even future signage. I revisited my site plan and narrowed down some things I had not fully finished deciding on.

So although I’m still not completely done with the historic application, as that one had to be put on short but temporary hold, as I got the zoning application and documentation ready to go for that meeting in less than 2 weeks. I do feel like I’m on the down swing of the state historic application. Most of the meet is there. I need to clean it up a little bit more but my brain is fried. I have fallen asleep the moment my head hits the pillow and not even a single dream to speak about. But as soon as I open my eyes in the morning its like a rush of ideas or things I forgot come flooding in. So,like many mornings for weeks now, I pass my snoozing husband, hearing his audible sigh, as I race off to get things done before the the household starts stirring and needing me for non Tower House things.

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