100 Copies Later..

I have been gradually diving deeper and deeper into not only the history of this house but ordering historcial architectural and design books and researching what plumbing and bathrooms would even entail in 1886. 

 I have reached out to the Clinton County Historic Society first then Xenia Libray and Waynesville. Xenia was able to help me find a copy of a fictional novel written by Matilda Underwood which I immediately ordered the only copy of off Amazon.

 I have yet to find her autobiography but I’m still on the hunt. I found even more at the Waynsville library!

 I spent 3 hours copying everyting they had. Since its historical documents it has to remain there. Thank goodness for technology I turned over 100 pages into PDFs in that 3 hours from my phone.  The libraian was not only helpful but her and the other librarian mentioned having known one of the descendants of the Underwoods,  who built the house! They offered to take my name and information and pass it along to the family if they should want to reach out. I eagrly wrote down my name and number on the tini scrap paper having no clue what would come of it.
I’m not sure yet how-to relay the immense history just yet but I’m brainstorming the best way to share it all. 

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