
 I should never have called Dan.  The second I did and we started discussing the reality of my ideas for this project and when the two of us brainstorm  nothing seems impossible.  We have worked on quite a few projects together over the years.  Very few people see my vision without me having to verbalize it and Dan is one of them.  He was my second call after my realtor to ask his opinion if I was certifiably insane to even consider this project.   I told him later that the call was basically the same as an addict calling their dealer for encouragement to quit.  I knew the answer before I called but needed to just hear out loud from someone I trusted and knows this area better than I do that I was indeed crazy to even consider it but to hurry up and make the offer. 

So after the dust had settled from the purchase and some ideas had started to materialize I reached out again to share my ideas with him and ask if they were even possible.  Again not sure why I bother.   Dan is the eternal optimist. Of course he is going to tell me it’s possible.  And of course when I start sending my ideas he finishes them before I can even complete my text thread of pictures that were going to have the exact same details he predicted.  

 Like faux feet on the cabinets to make it look more like furniture..

But since then  I have been falling deeper into the rabbit hole of dreaming and creating.  I have pinterest boards, old fashioned collage boards all getting put together in my huge sketch pad I bought myself just for this project.  

Screenshot, print, cut paste, repeat, rip out replace start all over. 

But what I really need to be doing is filling out my historical tax credit application.  Ugggh.. the financial side of me is shaking her finger at the creative dancing and pleading to be let loose.  

I have learned there is a tax credit for restoring historic homes on the national registry.   The paperwork to me seems more daunting than applying to college, but 20-25% dollar for dollar credit is not chump change .  So the responsible CFO in me is pushing to get that application in order and over with especially while my mom is in town visiting to help with some of the edits. 

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